Saturday 29 March 2008

Saturday night...

....It's 7.33pm and I'm in my PJs, fluffy dressing gown and slippers. Woop woop! Wild, hey? Seriously, I used to be a party'd never think it.
So my run of illness continues. After last week's tummy bug (which thankfully turned out to be pretty mild) I managed to completely do my back in on Monday. I've managed to make it to the ripe old age of 28 without every having any back trouble - now I know why people complain so much about back pain. Seriously, it's horrid. All this week I've had constant pain from the base of my back right up to my shoulders, and shooting down my right leg (it's sciatic pain, basically, triggered by all the back muscles being softer in pregnancy). I've not even been able to stand up straight!
The doc gave me painkillers to help with the pain but they didn't really help, and I hate taking anything like that when pregnant so I've only taken 3 of them. Back pain affects EVERYTHING - even walking across the lounge or sitting on the sofa, was agony and as for picking up William.....forget it. The pain's been so bad I've been in tears...and after suffering through a 36 hour labour on gas and air, I think I've got quite a high pain threshold.
Anyway. Today it's a little better. Thank God - this is day 6.
Back pain aside, this week's been pretty good! I didn't have Rebecca so I was able to spend some QT with my little man! We also had a lovely weekend in Plymouth.
Ugh, do you know what, my back's quite uncomfortable sat here so I'm going to finish this tomorrow. Adios til then.........


Because I keep on forgetting.

Salmon fishcakes, homemade chips, veg
Kedgeree (haddock)
Chicken casserole (with sauce mix)
Coq au vin (with sauce mix)
Vegetable chilli with jacket potatoes
Vegetable curry with rice
Vegetable lasagne
Vegetable fajhitas
Pesto pasta
Tuna pasta bake (jar mix)
Chicken soup with pasta
Vegetable gratiani
Filled pasta with sauce
Tuna and sweetcorn stuffed potatoes

I'll add to this as I remember more.

Wednesday 19 March 2008

Yet more throwing up FUN

I seem to have caught yet another tummy bug. Aargghhh! I've been feeling off colour since Monday, I now have the runs and I've just thrown up my dinner in spectacular style. William has been throwing up sporadically since Sunday, and he also has the runs. FUN!
It's miserable. I seem to have caught tummy bug after tummy bug since becoming pregnant. If I haven't got some sort of bug, I have cramps/wind/aches from something I've eaten. It's like my stomach is uber sensitive to everything - but usually I can eat anything! It's such a weird pregnancy symptom, and I'm fed up with it.
I hate it when William has a tummy bug too-no matter how mild. So far, he has no temperature and apart from being off his normal foods, seems happy and normal - so I'm not too worried (yet). I can't help it, I'm neurotic. I still worry like a maniac when my little boy is poorly. Plus we're going away to Plymouth for this weekend (easter weekend!) and it will be bleugh if Sausage is ill then.
This is my week from HELL. I have Louis full-time, 8.45am-5.15pm, as well as Rebecca and William of course. 3 days down-1 to go. It's been as manic and stressful as I was expecting.
Not everything is crap. William's sleep has been brilliant recently. He's talking absolutely loads, and I think he's close to putting 2 words together-this morning he looked at an empty plate and said 'tot........gone' which means 'toast gone'! He's a happy little chatty bundle from morning til night and although he can be extremely stroppy (like any toddler!) I'm so proud of the little person he's becoming.
16 weeks pregnant today-seriously, where is the time going? 4 more weeks and I'll be halfway through-woweeeeeee!

Monday 10 March 2008

fab, fab, FAB weekend!

I've just had a WONDERFUL weekend!!
We went to stay with Beaky & Rav (my mum and dad's) in Herne Bay to check out some of the towns we might be moving to in the summer-Whitstable, Sittingbourne and Faversham were the 3 main ones we were interested in. Mike had Friday off so we drove down in the sunshine mid-morning-William slept the whole way! We were in Herne Bay by lunch and had a lovely time with my mum in the harbour, walking along the seafront in the sun! I love being by the sea-it's so calming and uplifting. We then went to the supermarket, bought a couple of treats for William (including a cuddly Makka Pakka!) and went home for a lovely evening, chatting, watching TV, and having a giggle! William's routine went completely out of the window-he ate his dinner an hour later, and was in bed over an hour later than normal, but he actually slept really really well both nights we were there-a miracle, considering he was in his travel cot and how CRAP his sleep has been recently! It was great!
I always feel so content at home with my parents. Beaky and Rav love William so much-they spent most of the weekend laughing at all his funny ways and words!
Saturday was a busy day. After a big cooked brekkie we went to Faversham. I loved it-it's quaint, with a little market and cobbled streets-but Mike wasn's so sure about living there. We took William to soft play in Faversham leisure centre and he had a blast. We then went to check out Sittingbourne-which was yuck. Cold and faceless, it reminded me a lot of Maidenhead-which is not a good thing. However, we did have a nice cake and drink in a quaint little cafe there!
After that we went for a lovely drive, looking at all the beautiful Kentish countryside. It's so beautiful.
Sunday was another busy day. Mike was really keen to see Whitstable so we went and checked it out. It's gorgeous and I could definitely see myself living there-but I could in Faversham too! We had some chips and ate them in Whitstable harbour in the sunshine, before going for a loooooong walk along the sea. It was wonderful. We got back to Maidenhead about 10pm last night. IT SUCKS to be back here in our crappy terraced house. I feel like my heart is already living in Kent and I want to move there NOW. Our official move date is 7th July-ugghh, that feels like so long away. That's 4 more months of looking after Rebecca! Bleugh. I can't wait to be nearer my parents and live in a beautiful little coastal town. Maidenhead is so, so boring; it's faceless and has no character. I'm fed up here now. I love having my 'mummy mates' nearby but that's not enough reason to stay. I love little coastal towns, with their quaint little butchers, sweet shops, bakers and cute little houses. I'll always be a city girl-I love London-but I don't want to raise 2 kids in the city. Imagine how much fun William (and sibling!) will have in the summer by the sea!
William's cold is bad today; he was running a bit of a temp earlier. He had such a busy weekend with no real proper naps so it's no surprise really. I've hada profitable morning, trying to sort out a first aid course, registering myself with Inland Revenue as a childminder, etc. The weather is awful with gales and rain up and down the country so it's a day in today-I don't mind too much, considering how busy the weeekend was.
Arrghhh! Louis will be here in 30 mins. I'd better find some way to conceal my increasing baby bump!!!!

Wednesday 5 March 2008


I feel like shit today, to be quite frank.
I got a headache yesterday evening that's still pounding away this morning. I can't take anything for it of course-I don't even want to take paracetomal as taking tablets in pregnancy just doesn't feel right.
Yesterday was a manically busy day: as well as contending with a whingey, pain-in-the-neck Rebecca all day, we had toddler group in the morning, soft play in the afternoon, then I made a vegetable pasta sauce from scratch for William for his dinner, and once I'd packed him off to bed at 7.30pm I made kedgeree for me and Mike-I was knackered but I'd already got the haddock out the freezer so I had to do it (it was bloody gorgeous, by the way!). I finally finished everything at about 9pm just as Mike walked in the door-he'd been working very late.
I was asleep by 10.10pm. William woke screaming at 11pm, 12am, 1.30am, and 4.30pm. He needed milk at 11am, 1.30am, and 4.30am. He has a cold, and 3 big teeth coming through but Jesus....he slept better when he was a newborn. I'm absolutely exhausted of this. I hate giving him milk in the night but it's the quickest way to settle him. If this carries on much longer, I'm going to have to do something to get him sleeping better as this can't carry on until mini-cookie is born. I need sleep so badly I could cry. Looking after 2/3 toddlers in the day is such hard work, and it wouldn't matter so much if I wasn't pregnant-but I need rest.
Sorry, I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself. Ugh. In 45 mins Louis will be here, and my mad Wednesday afternoon will begin. William's napping and Rebecca is entertaining herself for now, so this is a glorious little slice of 'me time'.
14 weeks pregnant today! Woop woop. Getting a proper bump now, and my boobs are enormous. My next scan is on 18th April which seems a lifetime away. Ooh! I almost forgot-I've decided NOT to find out what the sex is at that scan. I'd like a surprise-and I'm also a bit nervous that I might be a teensy bit disappointed if I find out it's a boy. Which is awful but I know that once the baby is born I won't give a monkey what gender it is as long as it's healthy. So yeah-it was lovely finding out William was a boy but this time we won't have a clue! Exciting! When I think of them saying 'it's a......' as its born I get all tingly!
Oh this headache is awful. 3 toddlers running amok in my shoebox house is going to make it loads better, I'm sure. Ugh.

Saturday 1 March 2008

Shopping & Sleep

We had a really, really lovely day today!

After I tutored this morning we went to Reading to do some SHOPPING! I haven't been shopping long, I can't remember. We're permanently skint, dontcha know. But Mike got a little bonus this month so we thought we'd treat ourselves a bit.

Reading is seriously funky-much better than crappy old Maidenhead! There's this riverside area with loads of lovely places to eat. We decided to go somewhere a bit special for lunch so we went to Old Orleans, a wacky Mexican joint that I LOVE. We were there for over an hour and William, considering he hadn't had his normal morning nap, was an absolute angel. He ate popcorn, some of our potato skins, and some of the chicken & chips & peas kids meal I ordered him-I love the way he'll try anything; he seems to be getting less fussy! Anything we're eating he'll always try.

He played with a balloon (or 'booooon' as he calls it) on his highchair, tried some of our ice-cream floats, and was generally a model of good behaviour! As for me I had sizzling vegetable fajhitas smothered in cheese, guacomole, salsa and sour cream which were gorgeous!

Mike bought lots of new shirts from Next and I bought 2 maternity tops. I think my maternity wadrobe is now complete. The only crapness is the day was about 3pm when William, exhausted from no napping, lost it and threw an almighty tantrum, prompting a row between me and Mike-we always row when he threws a screaming tantrum as we find it so stressful! But apart from that, it was a lovely day.

Soooooooooooooo tired now though. William's sleep has been awful again recently-waking anything up to 6 times a night. He seems to have lost the ability to self-settle. I've had 18 months of this-is there ever going to be an end to it?? It's no wonder I'm exhausted. I need to go to bed and sleep for about 700 hours straight. I tell you what, mini-cookie had better be a bloody good sleeper, or I may have to flee the country.

How do you teach a toddler how to sleep through the night? All sleep training methods to me seem so cold and detached. And I don't want to train him- I want him to do it himself. No way am I going to do controlled crying-although believe me, I've been tempted at 3am when he just won't go to bloody sleep. I know he'll get it one day I suppose.

On a cheerier note-talking! Now he's started talking, there's no stopping him. At the moment his favourite word is 'hot'-everything is 'hot'........cupboards, the door, me.......Today he learnt how to say 'done' and said it when he's finished his rice pudding! So sweet.

Well its Saturday night and I'm reading to partaaaaaaaaaaaaay in my PJs and dressing gown.......the TV is crap but I fancy snuggling up with my husband! Laters xxxxxxxxxxx