Sunday 24 February 2008

Finally better?

I've been the sickest I think I've ever been this week. Today I think (dare I even say it?)-I'm finally getting better.
This bug started on Wednesday. Actually, it was Tuesday night! Every day since then I've felt sick / been sick / had bad diarrhea (must check spelling of that word) / had terrible tummy ache/ been completely drained of energy. Yesterday lunchtime I had an almighty craving for Lucozad-probably because I'm completely depleted of sugar. Man, that was a mistake! Queue most of the afternoon, evening, and night spent running to the loo with horrible tummy cramps and a stomach that sounded like a cauldron (seriously, it was bubbling). All I could tell myself was: this won't last forever. I can't feel this bad forever. Surely.
This morning I've stuck to dry toast and rich tea biscuits and the diarrhea is finally clearing. I'm dreaming of all kinds of delicious food but I'm not risking a setback.
In other news, my inlaws are here til Tuesday. My MIL has a PET scan on Tuesday which will ascertain if the tumor on her lung is isolated, or if the cancer has spread. We'll know by Thursday.
I've fallen out with my friend Wain. It's a long story; it's been building for a while. I'll write about it another time. I think it's telling that it doesn't really bother me: normally I loathe confrontation.

Some gorgeous William-isms:
1) He can now say sooooo many words. Bear, ball, more, no, dada, mumma, door, shoes, juice, byebye, gone (with arms spread wide!), hot (said while putting his hand out towards the oven!) -those are the ones I can think of. He talks all day, and it's sounding more and more intelligible.
He can also kind of say: milk (ilk), cat (dat), book (boop)
2) When I ask him 'where are your shoes?' he goes and gets them, sits on the bottom step and tries to put them on his feet!!!
3) On Friday I ate some toast; when I'd finished it he looked at me, said 'Gone!' with his hands spread wide and took my plate into the kitchen and put it on the side!!! That's my boy!

Repulsive Rebecca (the kid I childmind) is back tomorrow. Actually I'm glad my inlaws are here as it will be a bit different, and they've offered to take William somewhere in the afternoon. Yay!

Mashed potato (no milk/butter) for lunch for me. I'm so lucky!

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