Thursday 28 February 2008

Just a quickie....

.....Because Deidre's picking me up in 30 mins to hang out at her house this afternoon.
My MIL has lung cancer, but it's not as bad as we thought-I thought her scan last week would find cancer all over her body but in fact it's just in her lungs. She has to have an op next Tuesday, and chemotherapy. I hope to GOD she stops smoking now because carrying on would surely be a deathwish.
I'm so tired all the time at the moment and it's draining. William's sleep is erratic (last night it was SHIT) but even when he sleeps well I still feel zapped. Pregnancy? Running after 2/3 toddlers all week? Who knows? I'm 13 weeks now-I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going! Illness all gone, sickness all gone but the tiredness and sore boobs remain. And I have a cute little bump-despite losing a few pounds last week with that bug.
I have a new craving! Fizzy pop! This morning on the way back from playgroup I had to buy Dr Pepper, Sprite and Fanta. I NEVER drink fizzy pop-seriously. Apparently my mum (who I call Beaky) craved it when she was pregnant with me!!!! Does this mean I'm having a girl?! (secretly crossing fingers.....)
Had a run-in with Rebecca's mum Frances on Tuesday. Now they'e pretty punctual people and generally pick Rebecca up on time every day (6pm, 5pm on Wednesdays). However -on Friday they were 15 minutes late, no call to say why. I let it go as a one-off. Monday - Frances rang to say they'd be a few minutes late. Fine. She was an HOUR late. Granted, there were real train problems but she should have called again. I let it go again.
On Tuesday I was tutoring at 7pm (my student didn't actually show up but never mind). I needed to dash to the shop to get some milk for William's bedtime drink and then race to get him into bed by 7, so them picking Becca up at 6 was ESSENTIAL. By 6.05 I was getting quite cross. By 6.10 I was angry and rang Frances' mobile-which went straight to voicemail. At 6.15pm she turned up with a jaunty little knock on the door and by that time I was furious and really gave her what for! I think she was really taken aback by sweet, soft Clare launching a furious attack! To not to bother ringing though is so rude-who do they think they are?! I'm sick of them and looking after their daughter is so tiresome. 4 more months of this-I can't wait to finish, seriously.
William's appetite is enormous at the moment. He's eating a ludicrous amount all day. It's mostly very healthy but he does love Rich Tea biscuits!
Speaking of Sausage I need to go and wake him up in a moment, and I can smell that Rebecca's nappy needs changing. Ugh Ugh UGH. I hate this job.

1 comment:

Lil Solara said...

OOhhhh crossing my fingers for a girl too!! :)