Wednesday 19 March 2008

Yet more throwing up FUN

I seem to have caught yet another tummy bug. Aargghhh! I've been feeling off colour since Monday, I now have the runs and I've just thrown up my dinner in spectacular style. William has been throwing up sporadically since Sunday, and he also has the runs. FUN!
It's miserable. I seem to have caught tummy bug after tummy bug since becoming pregnant. If I haven't got some sort of bug, I have cramps/wind/aches from something I've eaten. It's like my stomach is uber sensitive to everything - but usually I can eat anything! It's such a weird pregnancy symptom, and I'm fed up with it.
I hate it when William has a tummy bug too-no matter how mild. So far, he has no temperature and apart from being off his normal foods, seems happy and normal - so I'm not too worried (yet). I can't help it, I'm neurotic. I still worry like a maniac when my little boy is poorly. Plus we're going away to Plymouth for this weekend (easter weekend!) and it will be bleugh if Sausage is ill then.
This is my week from HELL. I have Louis full-time, 8.45am-5.15pm, as well as Rebecca and William of course. 3 days down-1 to go. It's been as manic and stressful as I was expecting.
Not everything is crap. William's sleep has been brilliant recently. He's talking absolutely loads, and I think he's close to putting 2 words together-this morning he looked at an empty plate and said 'tot........gone' which means 'toast gone'! He's a happy little chatty bundle from morning til night and although he can be extremely stroppy (like any toddler!) I'm so proud of the little person he's becoming.
16 weeks pregnant today-seriously, where is the time going? 4 more weeks and I'll be halfway through-woweeeeeee!

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