Saturday 29 March 2008

Saturday night...

....It's 7.33pm and I'm in my PJs, fluffy dressing gown and slippers. Woop woop! Wild, hey? Seriously, I used to be a party'd never think it.
So my run of illness continues. After last week's tummy bug (which thankfully turned out to be pretty mild) I managed to completely do my back in on Monday. I've managed to make it to the ripe old age of 28 without every having any back trouble - now I know why people complain so much about back pain. Seriously, it's horrid. All this week I've had constant pain from the base of my back right up to my shoulders, and shooting down my right leg (it's sciatic pain, basically, triggered by all the back muscles being softer in pregnancy). I've not even been able to stand up straight!
The doc gave me painkillers to help with the pain but they didn't really help, and I hate taking anything like that when pregnant so I've only taken 3 of them. Back pain affects EVERYTHING - even walking across the lounge or sitting on the sofa, was agony and as for picking up William.....forget it. The pain's been so bad I've been in tears...and after suffering through a 36 hour labour on gas and air, I think I've got quite a high pain threshold.
Anyway. Today it's a little better. Thank God - this is day 6.
Back pain aside, this week's been pretty good! I didn't have Rebecca so I was able to spend some QT with my little man! We also had a lovely weekend in Plymouth.
Ugh, do you know what, my back's quite uncomfortable sat here so I'm going to finish this tomorrow. Adios til then.........

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