Monday 7 April 2008

Illness. MMR. Noodles. Birth. Cancer. Ass.

Monday morning and I'm enjoying a little me-time before William wakes up from his nap. He's not well today, bless him. After the MMR jab last Tuesday he's been poorly on and off - a random temperature, extreme tiredness, grumpiness, and now he seems to have a streaming cold. I gave him Medised to help him have a good nap as he was up a LOT last night. As was I.
I'm also not well. Again. Seriously, I'm getting bored of this now. It's one thing after another. On Friday night, after our dear friends Deirdre and Mike had been round for a takeaway, I threw up spectacularly. On Saturday I was fine but yesterday afternoon I started feeling queasy and bloated - which led to yet more vomiting. I went to bed with my stomach completely empty and felt weird this morning - light-headed, dizzy, and nauseous, presumably due to low blood sugar. I had a funny turn where everything went yellow (including me) and I nearly passed out (my lovely husband was propping me up, thank God!) but I'm feeling a bit better now, having kept everything down this morning. I just feel.....weird. Spaced out. And of course, I still have to look after all the little darlings- Rebecca is here as per bloody usual and Louis will be here in 20 mins. JOY!
I don't understand why I've had so much vomiting and diarrhea (sp?) this pregnancy. I'm 18 and a half weeks pregnant - I thought it was all supposed to stop after week 12? Presumably it's all due to when I eat something which mini-cookie disagrees with. Talk about a fussy feotus! Is it worth going to the midwife about it? Probably not - what can she say, really? I know it's not damaging mini-cookie as women have far worse sickness than this. Oh blah de blah. I hate whingeing about being ill.
Anyway. I'll probably stay in this afternoon, which is a bit boring but we had a lovely family weekend. We all went to Noodlebar for lunch on Saturday- William seriously loves that place and eats everything we do - spring rolls, prawn crackers, noodles, rice....even the little fortune cookie at the end! We also took him to the park, and yesterday it snowed loads so he played in the garden with Daddy (who was very mean and threw snowballs in his face! William just laughed!). We also went to soft play at Big Fun, which was lovely. So a day at home today isn't the end of the world.
I'm thinking of looking into some birthing hynotherapy to help me be positive about the forthcoming birth of mini-cookie, as after the horrors of William's labour, the mere thought of contractions makes me really nervous and anxious - which is not going to help matters. I can still remember the pain as clear as day, which went on for 36 looooong hours. I want a positive birth experience this time- and I'm determined to have it. A natural water birth I think in a nice birth centre somewhere in Kent. I'm tempted by a home birth but after the complications with William, it's not really for me.
We made a list of stuff we need for mini-cookie and it's really quite small, which is great. A double buggy, monitor, crib (I like the rocking ones!).....etc. Not much at all. After the scan next Friday we're going to start buying stuff.
In other news my mother-in-law's op was a success and they've removed all the cancer from her lung. She hasn't even got to have chemo! She's been so lucky. She's still in hospital.
Right. It's been good to have a sit-down. William's still asleep. Rebecca is doing my head in, as usual. She's a major pain in the ass. It's now 10 mins til Louis will be here, so I need to disguise my bump somehow - still haven't told his mum!

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