Saturday 12 April 2008


.....I'm off to Bristol this morning to see my dear friends! Mike's on a boys weekend. Booooo. I hate it when we don't spend the weekend together. It hardly ever happens to be honest. But I look after William all week, and it's nice to have someone to help out at the weekend.
Anyway! Brief bullets...........
1) Mini-cookie is kicking LOADS at the moment. I love it! So reassuring. Also am looking very very pregnant.....and I'm only 19 weeks!!!!
2) 20 wk scan next Friday. Very excited!!! I'm getting a little obsessional over the whole boy/girl thing - just like I did with William. Yes, I want a girl - I'd love a daughter, and this is going to be my last pregnancy so this really is last chance saloon. But I don't want to be disappointed if we discover it's a boy. Because that's really horrid. I really wish I hadn't told everyone I was rooting for a girl - are they going to feel like they have to offer condolences if we find out it's a boy??? At the end of the day a healthy baby is all that matters! I know that deep down!
3) William is slowly getting better thanks to antibiotics. He's still really tired though and slept til 9.15am yesterday!! Madness. After he woke up we met up with Deidre and went to Boulters Lock to feed the ducks. William loved it and quacked like mad - especially when they took bread from his hand! He thought it was hilarious! I just hope he's not going to be ratty today or that will make for a stressful afternoon.
4) He's sleeping right now, which means he'll be awake for the entire car journey to the south west....YIKES!
5) Mike sent me flowers yesterday. They're beautiful and the note says what a wonderful wife and mother I am. I have a very romantic, wonderful husband! We spent the evening snuggled up watching Greys Anatomy and Romeo and Juliet....I must have seen that movie about a million times, but I still cry at the end!

Ok that's it. I'll be going in about an hour probably. Toodlepip for now!

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