Wednesday 23 April 2008

Do all good things have to come to an end?

We ended up having a blast yesterday afternoon in the sunshine! When William woke up from his nap we went to the park for over an hour - it was busy and lovely and William had great fun playing with his ball, going on the swings ('fimbs') and generally being gorgeous. On the way there he walked and was pointing out everything along the way - cats, walls, was so cute! He ate a massive dinner - his appetite has been HUGE recently! - and then Mike got home in time to put him to bed whilst I tutored.

Last night he slept really badly though - 2nd night in a row. We've been really lucky with his sleep recently - he's been going down at 7pm, waking once, maybe twice (but being easily settled) and then sleeping through til at least 7am. It's been great - some proper sleep, finally! But last night he was really coughing all night and was restless and whingey, finally waking at 5.50am. Nothing really settled him and I feel knackered this morning. So was he, until he went for his nap - ridiculously early, it's only 10am and he normally doesn't nap until 12.30-1pm.

He felt a little hot before I put him down and he's still got his bad cough. I sincerely hope he isn't going to get ill again. He's only just got over that nasty chest & ear infection. *deep sigh* For some reason I always feel guilty when he gets ill,'s my fault. I don't know why. I know they have to get all these bugs to build immunity, and he's definitely started picking more stuff up since we started going to playgroup twice a week. I've given him calpol but I don't want to give him too much of that......that makes me feel guilty too. ARRGHHHH! Being a mother is such hard work sometimes. The worry, the lack of sleep, the guilt. Bleugh.

So it's a wet and miserable Wednesday - complete contrast to yesterday's sunshine. Was going to go to the library this morning but that hasn't happened obviously. Might be a stay-at-home day.........*yawns* - a little dull. I can't go out later as I have Louis as well as Rebecca. I'll see how William is when he wakes up.

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