Wednesday 27 August 2008

Happy 39 weeks, fat face

39 weeks! I can't believe I've made it this far. I feel really content about everything today. Like - it's going to happen soon, so there's no point getting impatient. My only morbid fear is going waaaaaay over my due date and having to be induced. Having to remain in bed through the pain of contractions without moving around, rocking on my birthing ball etc. would be my idea of hell.
There's no signs anything's going to happen yet. Last night the baby was kicking me so hard and wriggling so frantically I thought something might be happening, but no cigar. I had a crap night's sleep though and really should be napping now to catch up. I have the odd cramp here and there, and frequent BHs, but.....that's it. I now have faint stretchmarks appearing under my belly button - escaped getting any with William, so I'm not too chuffed about that.
My face is massive. I appear to have stored fat for breastfeeding in two main places: my thighs, which are absolutely GINORMOUS and my face. I look like I'm storing nuts in my cheeks for winter, like a squirrel. Seriously!
My lovely husband went back to work today after a fantastic week and a half off! We did lots of lovely family things last week. It was so much fun to sit around in the morning, drinking tea, eating shortbread and watching the olympics whilst playing with William. It was William's 2nd birthday yesterday, which was fab except for a minor blip when he appeared to be scared of the mickey mouse cuddly toy we got him - we got him loads of mickey mouse clubhouse stuff, as he's totally obsessed with that show! Anyway we managed to convince him that Mickey was not scary and now he won't be parted from it!!
So for now I'm chipper. Baby has to come out sometime, right? I may not be so chipper if I'm still sat here in a week's time, sans baby. Everyone send labour vibes.....

1 comment:

The Willinghams said...

Maybe baby girl will make an apperance this week. September babies have great birthstones :)