Saturday 31 May 2008

Big update

Heyhey! Its Saturday morning and I'm fighting the urge to nap while William does. Zzzzzz. Not sure why I'm so tired as William's sleep has been fine recently. Ah well. Here's all the news.......

1) House. WE FOUND A HOUSE!!!! Last weekend we had a looooong wkend in Herne Bay with my parents, with multiple house viewings. We saw some really lovely places - all soooo much bigger than anything we could afford here. But there was one house I totally fell in love with the minute I stepped inside it! Unexpectedlly, it's in Herne Bay, where my parents live......we really wanted to live in Whitstable as it's a bit hipper and so lovely - but Herne Bay is lovely too!
So, the's £950 per month and is MASSIVE. I'm talking huge here. Front and back garden, big entrance hall, massive kitchen, big conservatory/playroom leading to the garden, dining room, lounge and 4 bedrooms. FOUR!!! And it's a house with character - built in 1903, with fireplaces and everything. I hate faceless modern builds.
As we were walking round, I was getting more & more excited. I could totally see me and the kids here, in the playroom, going out to the garden in the summer........having friends round for a just felt so right. And the street is lovely too - big wide pavements, residential-y.
And the landlord! What a sweet man. He said he'd be happy to put a fridge/freezer, washing machine and a dishwasher in!!!! Best of all, it's 10-15 mins walk from the beach, park,town, leisure centre AND a soft play area!!
So after seeing this house, my judgement was clouded. Every other house we saw was far inferior. To me anyway. The only slight problems with this house were: a) it's not Whitstable and b) it's a long walk to the station. And Mike will still be commuting to London every day for work, and we don't have a car. But he's going to bike it! So I think it will work out fine. It will be slightly bizarre being in the same town in my parents - we weren't expecting that! But we're looking forward to having the option of babysitters occasionally so we can get some coupley time. The last time we went out to dinner was August last year. I kid you not. And the cinema? Before we even moved to Maidenhead - probably 2005!!
They're doing our credit checks at the mo - but after that, we should get the go ahead and the house will be OURS!!! I'm so so excited-our moving date is 4 weeks TODAY!!! I think I'm going to be really really happy there. :-)

2) Eating. I'm eating so much junk at the mo. I'm becoming much more aware of what crap is in most foods - mostly because I always scruitinise the ingredients of everything William eats. Never bothered me before but as I approach 30 (eeeeek!!) I want to subtley make a shift towards a more healthy lifestyle. Don't most people do that when they reach 30?? I worry about the junk I consume - so when we move, I want to make a big conscience effort to get more organic, home-grown fruit & veg - which will be easy, as they have lots of farmer's markets down there.

3) Childminding. Still sucks. I have just 2 more weeks left with Rebecca, and 4 with Louis. Yipppeeeee! Stupid OFSTED want to come and expect me though, which is completely nonsensical seeing as a) we're just about to move and b) I'm going to have at least a year off from it when the baby is born. Trying to think of ways to get out of it at the moment.

4) William. Is still my happy little boy. He's amazing me at the moment with how much he knows. He knows his numbers up to 12, all his colours, and most of the letters in the alphabet!!!!
His sleep is better, although he's being a little fussy with some of his foods - refusing to eat stuff that he's always loved, which is bizarre. He's still very demanding of my attention and likes to be watched all day, every day. Which can get a little wearying. If I'm not watching him, he says my name until I do! I'm sure he'll get more independent as he gets older. I think he's super bright, but I'm a little biased!

5) Pregnancy. And sexiness. I feel about as sexy as a sack of spuds right now. Big bump, big veiny boobs, big ass, greying maternity bras, big granny knickers. Hello boys! Not surprising seeing as I'm 26 weeks pregnant I guess. Been thinking recently though about sexing myself up again when this baby is born. Well, when I finish breastfeeding probably. I'm going to lose all the weight from both pregnancies, get some sexy underwear and nice clothes, sort out my old & decaying makeup, and make my hair half presentable at least. Until then, it's slob city!

Right, Mike wants the internet so I'd better go. Laters my lovelies xxxxxxxxxxxx

1 comment:

The Willinghams said...

That is great news that you found a home! Living in the same town as your folks isn't too bad. Phoenix is huge, but we live 8 minute from my parents. I can't wait until we have kids because they will be so close to us for the very reasons you posted :)