Friday 16 May 2008


Friday afternoon! Peace has descended on the house as both boys are napping. I could easily nap myself right now - not sure why as I slept pretty well last night due to William.........(drum roll please) SLEEPING THROUGH!!! I think this might actually be the first time EVER that he's done this. No waking for milk, water, or anything. He slept soundly from 7.30pm to 6am!! Helps that it's cooler now and there was no need for the noisy fan in his room. I'm not holding my breath - almost certainly it's a one-off, but YAY, all the same!
This week:
1) Everyone now knows we're moving to Kent. I told Louisa,. Louis's mum (who wailed about this being her 'worst nightmare' - Jeez, thanks for the guilt trip) and Deirdre, Julia and the rest of the girls (who were sad but completely understood).
2) Rebecca's mum has told me she wants Rebecca to finish with me on the 15th June!! This is great as it's only 4 more weeks; it's not so great as I'll miss out on 2 weeks pay. But Mike thinks that will be ok & we'll manage.
3) Our new move date is 28/29th June. NEXT MONTH!!! We're going down to Whitstable next Friday to find a property hopefully..........*crosses fingers*

I'm so, SO excited about our move! I've got a permanent pre-holiday-excited feeling. It feels like the beginning of a new will be so different and (I hope) wonderful! I can't wait to live by the sea. And no more yucky childminding for at least a year!! I feel nervous about having no income but according to Mike I'm entitled to maternity allowance as I've been self-employed, which is about £450 per month - plus we're saving like crazy. Gotta sort all the money stuff out this weekend to make sure we're ok.
And this weekend, blissfully, we haven't got to go anywhere - a nice chilled out family weekend. Yay!
Right, better skiddadle. Laters peeps xxxxxxxxxx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! You'll be all moved before you know it!! :)