Wednesday 14 May 2008

Dear Sausage

A little letter to celebrate your cuteness!
So, here we are at 20 months, and 2 days. You'll be 2 in 4 months - EEK! How did that happen?! I've loved watching you grow up little man. But this is my very favourite stage, right now. You've been through clingy stages, whingey stages, refusing-to-be-held-or-even-around-anyone-who-isn't-mummy/daddy-stages (man, THAT was stressful.....) but right now you are just so HAPPY! Everyone who meets who comments the same. You wake up full of beans and excitement (usually by calling 'mumma! mummmmmmaaaaaaaa'!') and pulling at your sleeping bag to get it off. That continues throughout the day! You laugh loads (sometimes manically - it's so funny!) and have never-ending energy, running about the house! It can get exhuasting but I'm so, SO glad you're like that and not all placid and boring! You love life!
Your vocabulary is HUGE. I can't list here all the things you can say; it's just so much! You can repeat most words you hear and are starting to put sentences together: 'night night mumma' (that melts my heart....). You know all the colours, numbers to 10, and lots of letters. You're a real bright spark.
Your favourite things to do are: reading, going to soft play, the park (especially the 'fimbs' (swings), the beach down at Beaky and Rav's, drawing, helping mummy with jobs around the house (turning on the washing machine etc), running around in people's do play with your toys a bit but usually there are far more interesting things to do!
Your sleep is erratic, to say the least......always has been! You're still waking, and having some milk, in the night - but I don't mind too much, as long as it's only once or twice. You have 1 nap in the day, usually after lunch at 12.30-1pm, for anything from 1.5 hours to 2.5 hours.
Your hair is crazy at the moment - all crazy curls! I can't bear to cut it. You absolutely love it when we're all together as a family, pointing to us and saying 'mumma! Daddy!'. You ADORE your daddy and get so excited when he comes home.
I love you so much Sausage. I'm so glad I've been at home with you since you've been born. I can't bear to miss out on a second of your growing up. Soon you're going to have a little sibling, but you'll always be my very special firstborn........
all my love, Mumma xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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