Thursday 8 May 2008

GLORIOUS sunshine!

Oh My God, I love, love, LOVE this weather!!!! It's so wonderfully hot and sunny, with blue skies and a lovely summer just makes me so happy!!! I'm definitely a summer girl. It's no wonder us English are such miserable people - we have such a long winter. But this makes up for it!!
This week, despite Mike not being here, has been lovely - mostly because of the weather! On Tuesday afternoon I took Rebecca and William to the park in the sunshine - we had a blast and Sausage kept on trying on my shades - he looked sooooooooooooo cute!
Yesterday morning we dashed off into town at 9am for my midwife appt. at 9.30. All ok there - despite me thinking I'm massive I'm measuring spot on for my dates (23 wks now!!!). Heard heartbeat which was reassuring as always. Then we went to the library which William always loves - he's such a bookworm! - and to buy him new shoes, which took forever as he has a high instep and loads weren't fitting properly.
And yesterday afternoon I FINALLY told Rebecca's mum that a) I'm pregnant b) we're moving to Kent and c) that June will be my last month with Rebecca! And it was FINE! Why was I worried?! She was made redundant on Tuesday so things would have changed anyway.
This morning we went to playgroup again in the sunshine - William was a bit grouchy but cheered up when he did some painting (on an easel like a grown up!) and played in some bubbly water. He loves being outside. And now both babies are napping and Julia's coming over in an hour or so - we're taking the kids to the park.
So I feel all sunny & content. I suppose the only thing bothering me is our forthcoming trip to Plymouth on Saturday, for many reasons. I'm dreading seeing all of Joyce's stuff, I really don't want to visit the open casket but don't want to offend Mike by not doing so, there's the funeral on Monday............*sigh*. Not to mention the loooooong car journey with William. I just need to be there for my husband I guess.
I need to do a William entry, all about him and his little ways soon. He's been sleeping better this week. He tends to wake around 10-11pm and I usually give him a milk top-up, but if he wakes again in the night I only give him water now - he was drinking stupid amounts of milk in the night. He usually wakes at least once more but I can generally settle him quickly. His nursery, as the hottest room in the house, is like a furnace in this weather - temp was 27 degrees last night! The fan doesn't really help- just blows the hot air about!
Right- better get on. Toodleoo for now.............xxxx

1 comment:

Tuesday's Child said...

How are you 23 weeks already?!?!
When are we seeing you, pregnant woman? xxx